Maybank2u Pay....payment method


Just updated the blog with the Maybank2u Pay icon. For Maybank2u customers you may now make payment through Maybank2uPay by clicking on the Maybank2uPay icon. Here are the benefits for you:
  • Payment method is simplified through Maybank2u and payment can be made directly to the seller's account via a simple button.
  • There's no need to remember the seller's account number, so the payment process is simplified.
  • No need for proof of payment (i.e. scan / copy of payment receipt) to the seller.

For International buyers, please take note that payment can be made via Paypal and you will be charged with an additional shipping fee of between USD6 and 8 depending on your location. I will send the items to you using standard air mail, it will take around 2 weeks for you to get your items. You may also request for express shipping method.

Stay tune for new headbands design..coming soon... You can check our designs in the older post or check out our facebook page Korean Fashion Headbands  for more designs..

Thank you for your continuous support.......